朗阁首页 > 雅思频道 > 雅思题库 > 2019年12月12日朗阁雅思听力考题题库


来源:网络 2019-12-10 编辑:yawen 雅思托福0元试学



Section 1


1-7 Completion

1. The tour group is from: Sandy’s College

2. Address: No.6 Beach Road

3. Cell phone number: 077691584

4. Number of the group: 14

5. One of the member uses a wheelchair

6. Date: 31st October

7. Pay by cheque


8-10 Multiple Choice

What are the three exhibitions they can go?

A. Coral reef

B. Ocean trenches (海沟)

C. Fish nursery

D. Rock pool

E. Diving history

F. Rare fish

G. Habitat conservation



Section 1


1-10 Completion

1. Reference Number: CWX576884

2. When did the woman claim last time: 9 months ago

3. Postcode: GO19 4KE

4. First name of the address: 120, middle street, oxford

5. The floor which is made of wood was wet

6. Because of the water

7. It was out of control and she switched off immediately

8. Contact the client engineer to come and check the problem

9. The client inspector could come on Tuesday next week

10. The repair company is opposite to the post office

Section 1

一个女的买吸尘器(vacuum cleaner)后,进行更换

1-10 Completion

1. name: Diane Ruddick

2. leave a number of home telephone: 970***

3. address: 34, Garden Avenue

4. date of purchase: 31st July

5. original vacuum problem in the handle

6. price: $104 (in a sale)

7. suggested action: free repair

8. new type has a reusable dust bag

9. new type price: $190 

10. preferred colour: silver


Section 1

艺术活动介绍festival activity

1-10 Completion

1. The festival activity starts in 1960s

2. The number of local artists: 325

3. Name of the band: University Festival

4. Audience: international students

5. The most popular fair type: photography

6. Venue: car park

7. Children can use clay to make models

8. looks like real animals

9. The color of free double-deck bus: purple

10. Where is the bus which needs to pay: close to the entrance



Section 1


1-10 Completion

1. Visa type: blue card

2. Working Period: July to October

3. The information is from the agency

4. Busiest time: September

5. Picking date decided by weather

6. Additional wage over 18: $5.60/hour

7. Accommodation: There is a campsite

8. Advise to go around by bike

9. Must work with passport

10. Should bring own lunch and supply of water

Section 2

A house farm 家庭农场

11-17 Multiple choice

11. The speaker said the club: A. meets the demands of customers 

12.The club does not provide: A. individual classes

13. The speaker said the customers must: B. deposit of equipment

14. When the customers do the registration, they

C. can cancel two days in advance without charges

15. The nervous customers may: A. watch a lesson

16. The shop in the horse riding club sells: B. footwear

17. The Equs Club is for: B. riders who are preparing competition


18-20 Map

18. cafe D

19. booking office C

20. waiting area E



Section 2

学校为学生给part-time job

11-15 Completion

11. special policy applies to overseas students

12. locate in the Woodside Campus

13. the enquiry office opens till 8:30 pm

14. the lawyer is only available on Tuesday

15. the university website will show the job information


16-20 Multiple choice

16. Where can find the latest news of new listed jobs? C. parking center

17. Employers will visit the school: C. throughout the year

18. The advantage of doing part-time job: B. good record

19. Student salary will be: A. taxed

20. You shall contact with the boss via: C. mobile



Section 2


11-20 Completion

11. This class is for children from 3 months to 5 years old

12. It is run as a cooperative by parents

13. The course is suitable for mixed ages

14. Parents want to participate in training

15. Do a special job

16. Parents need to attend a meeting

17. Parents also need to pay several visits to attend

18. The school programme was funded by government

19. Need to do more reading

20. Increase children’s confidence



Section 2


11-16 Multiple choice

11. 人们参加的原因:选B. they accepted a survey before

12. What has been changed recently in the museum? B. café

13. What will be on October event? 选:B. plants

14. Cinema is not only for movies but used for: 选:A. holding all kinds parties

15. Hope new member give advice on how to manage money to:

B. get extra income for the museum

16. Visitors will no longer be worried about missing important information:

C. send them electronically


17-20 Matching

17. fly is to moon: suitable for all ages

18. movie dolphin: was made a long time

19. secret of pyramid: win an award

20. monster movie: have special hi-tech dramatic effect



Section 2

Barkley garden的介绍

11-15 Multiple choice

11. What is Barkley garden proud of? 选:A. a great variety of plants

12. What are the changes took place in the past years?

选:A. more variety than used to be

13. The old garden has metal detector to find the 选:B. seed labels

14. What is the new project to be added? 选:B. toy vehicles

15. The idea was 选:C. inspired by reading an Italian gardening book


16-20 Matching

A. recently finished

B. include an old statue

C. link to an exhibition

D. include a special species which can only be bought at Barkley

E. desired by herself

F. won an award

G. need extra cost to enter

16. Rose Garden   选:A.

17. Formal Garden  选:E. 

18. Herb Garden   选:B. 

19. Woodland Garden  选:C.

20. Water Garden   选:F.

Section 3


21-26 Matching:

21. Ecologists -- A. too many people

22. After lunch/dinner presentations by staff -- C. repetitive information

23. Journal Writing -- H. time consuming

24. field work beach -- E. inefficient information

25. Data Analysis -- F. well organized

26. briefing after lunch -- D. no opportunity


27-30 Multiple choices:

27-28. Why did they choose the topic?

Oil rig damage to Sea Bed;

fit for the potential students


29-30. What are the two important parts of the topic?

sources of information;

challenging experts' opinion concerns



Section 3


21-27 Matching:

A. suit for different levels

B. omit some information

C. create/cause disagreement

D. inadequate resources

E. entirely positive

F. not necessary

G. not convenient for everyone

21. Pre-class   B

22. Timetable  G

23. Teaching system  A

24. Tutorial system  E

25. Project Group  C

26. IT service  F

27. Library  D


28-30 Multiple choice

28. Recommended by her teacher, Dina wants to study (specialize in)

C. manufacture managing/product quality control

29. suggestion from the tutor as to taking a gap year B. to gain experience

30. What material will Dr. provide for her? A. a reference letter


Section 3


21-24 Multiple choice

21. Why did John think Jackson Pollock’s painting is fake? B. his work is complex

22. Why initially John think 5 pounds’ painting is fake? C. Lack of documentation

23. Why international foundation reject 5 pounds? A. the material applied

24. What do both Josh and Emily agree?

C. scientists and artists can work together to evaluate the painting


25-30 Matching

A. ultra-sonic detector

B. gamma ray

C. X-ray camera

D. laser beam

E. radar

F. thermal-graph camera

G. stone

H. glass

I. brick

J. wood

25. use D to scan and mark for 3D model of the building

26. use F for different wall materials

27. space for holding H windows

28. use E as to find there are two walls

29. finding: inner wall is made of G

30. use B for wall material extra information



Section 3


21-26 Multiple choice

21. Mono's theme of the history of design development

A. design development from 1800s

22. Mona doesn’t want to just talk about one topic because

C. she is afraid of her tutor’s response

23. Teacher Ted’s suggestion B. don’t be too broad

24. Mona’s viewpoint on computers

B. they have already influenced traditional media

25. Why d

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