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来源:网络 2013-01-29 编辑:PMC_ivy 雅思托福0元试学



1. 篇前部分settling in euroXXX。The people live in XXX can’t stay warm because them cannot control the fire(有题问为什么不能stay warm). The plants growing there are not enough to eat, so they turn to hunt. However animals can threaten their predators and fight back(有题问动物会怎样)。

中间部分In order to survive from the long winter(有词汇题问那个被我替换了的long,其实我不确定), their hunting should be planned and the storage of their food should be arranged. They will plan the hunting when to hunt, where to hunt, hunt with whom, how to connect with other village(有题问他们plan 了什么)。

后部分 they have social structure. *后说没有什么evidence能*他们那种生活方式的*(也有题)。

2. 第二篇 前部分Calendar. 以前的人靠数日子记时间,后来人们逐渐develop 了xxx就是我们现在所熟知的calendar。

中间部分 一开始人们是根据big event和天气来记录的,这种记法不准确,因为proxxx(有词汇题,选项:unusual、recur)的坏天气会使得这种记法的时间变得无序。后来人们根据sky来确定。在埃及那片地区就用这个方法,可是呢,观察时在不同location观测到的结果不同,所以也不甚准确。另外一些地方,政府还会有行政干预(有题问什么原因导致不准确)。后部分 后来人们以太阳和月亮的移动来决定一个月的长度,进而决定年的长度。而由于地球围绕太样转的一些时间偏差,人们还需要修正这种记法(有题问为什么要修正)。由于地球转一周不是刚刚好像我们记录里的一天的时间,所以古时人们都致力于把时间分成一天天(有题问为什么古时人们要致力于这么做)

3. 第三篇 cultures and XXX in west coast of America.

前部分The environment there can defend from outside raid. There are various tribes which speak different language.

The villages connect to each other by requiring the woman and man marry to those live in other villages.

中间部分The XXX(一种大型木雕) is cut from single truck of the tree. The metal equipment allows the images on XXX become more complex as well as longer. The XXX is use for funerals or ceremonies. They often use animal images as protection of the XXX。

后半部分Masks is important to them because XXX(有问为什么重要)。有个XXX使得这些Mask都十分unique。(有题)那里的人会用抽象图案来话mask,特别是战士的头盔(有题)。The style of mask is relate to the original place, however the villagers travel from place to place and trade with others, so the style of the mask is difficult to determine. The mask is used to exhibit ,给ancestor 和 village chief 展示用(有题)。

托福 阅读 机经


  • 适用人群
  • 词汇量1000
  • 词汇量1500
  • 词汇量2000以上
  • 词汇量6000以上
  • 开课时间
  • 热报中
  • 滚动开班
  • 即将开班
  • 热报中



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