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Patience is usually not a good strategy; we should take action now rather than later.
总观点: I believe taking action in time plays a bigger role than being patient.
中间段1:立即行动能帮我们抓住seize 很多宝贵but fleeting转瞬即逝的机会。比如乔布斯在大学的时候就看到了个人电脑personal computer的机会,就立马辍学了开始创业,创立了日后这个星球上最成功的公司-Apple computer. Similarly, 当Elon Musk 创办的Tesla 电动汽车上市(hit the market)时,我父亲预见envision 了电动汽车会革新transform整个汽车行业,买了很多Tesla 的股票,现在收入已经翻了好多倍了。By contrast, 如果等他们耐心等待xxx,就可能错失这些宝贵机会了…
中间段2:立即行动可以帮助我们克服拖延overcome procrastination. 很多人总会害怕自己失败,要耐心收集到足够多信息,再做判断和行动,结果就拖延到最后deadline去做,反而把事情搞糟了。比如,...
中间段3:Admittedly, 耐心有时候确实有利于避免我们冲动做出错事,end up in后悔。但是, 即使做错事了,这也提供给了我们反思自己问题的机会。有利于日后的成长。
Which one of the following qualities do you think is most important for determining whether a friendship between two people will last a long time? Why?
1. They always help each other in a crisis or when something goes wrong.
2. They have similar interests and similar views on important topics.
3. They trust each other completely
At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some universities, experts are hired to make this decisions, students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why.
总观点:I prefer the former.
1. Engaging students in decision-making process helps to make those decisions tailored to their needs. 学生是校园中图书馆,食堂等设施最常的使用者,所以他们的意见才能真正反映他们的真实需求(reflect their real needs)。比如,所有的图书馆在期末前一个月最好能24小时开放(libraries should be open for 24 hours),因为所有的学生都需要为考试做准备。食堂需要考虑到少数族裔的需求(take minority’s needs into consideration)。比如,我们有同学信仰佛教(Buddhism) 就常常为食堂没有合适他们吃的素菜而发愁。而这些细小的需求,都是只关注收支平衡的专家无法考虑到的(those needs are so specific/detailed that they are usually overlooked by experts who focus on striking the balance between income and cost.)。
2. Involving students in the decision-making process will urge students to obey those decisions. 因为让学生参与到这些决策之中,这些决策已经反映了学生们的需求,学生们就没有理由再随意抱怨和不遵守了。比如学校食堂根据学生的意愿推出了多样的菜式来尽可能多地满足所有学生的需求(cater all students’ needs),那么学生就不能因为因此导致的菜价上涨而抱怨了。否则…
3. Admittedly, engaging students in the process may decrease the efficiency of making decisions. 因为会花很多时间去发问卷收集学生们的意见,然后再做调查等。但是,好处大于坏处,这些时间是值得的。
3.学生可能只考虑到自己。(Some students might take it personally by considering their own benefit rather than public interests. )比如学生一般都喜欢prefer 有24小时开放的图书馆,而专家会从学校的角度去把电费,人员,维护费用maintenance cost都考虑进去。However, 专家可以及时给出专业意见,让决策做得更全面。
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