伦勃朗Rembrandt, 维梅尔Vermeer (荷兰黄金时期的两个大师,手法创新,在光影表现上都有独到之处。都不受同时代人重视,很符合大家心目中艺术家的Stereotype,可以用来替换梵高、毕加索这类妇孺皆知的大佬)
Rembrandt, Dutch baroque artist, who ranks as one of the greatest painters in the history of Western art. His work made an enormous impact on his contemporaries and influenced the style of many later artists. Perhaps no painter has ever equaled Rembrandt's chiaroscuro effectsor his bold impasto.
Vermeer(不知道大家看过《戴珍珠耳环的女孩》girl with a pearl earring吗,就是说他的,不过故事是假的,Vermeer的日子可能比电影里更惨)
Jan Vermeer reputed the greatest painter besides Rembrandt in Dutch Golden Age, had a marvelous ability in expressing lights and shadow, but he died young left his family no legacy but deep debt. During his lifetime, he had not sold one piece of his paintings. After his death Vermeer did not receive attention until the late 19th century. His reputation steadily increased thereafter, and today he is considered one of the greatest Dutch painters.
跨专业领域,outsider achievement的文章很适用
M.C. Escher (艾舍尔,就是画图形渐变、现实中不存在的空间的画的人,很牛,也很神经质,他只上过*,作品却很受数学家推崇。)
Dutch M.C Escher leaps from art to mathematics. Escher had no formal mathematical training beyond secondary school, but his fantastic print works, such as Escher Limit Cycle and Day and Night, are most greatly admired by mathematicians, who recognized his work an extraordinary visualization of mathematics principles, and considered him a part of them.
Benoit Mandelbort was a scientist at IBM Watson Research Center. On his retirement from IBM, he joined the Yale Department of Mathematics. By now, you can tell any connections between him and art. Nonetheless, he has created a new geometry of nature called fractal that is centered in physics and mathematics, and being reputed as a innovative form of art. The explanation is that artist and scientist are expressing in distinct methods but journeying the same destination, such as balance, harmony, symmetry, and the like.
Louvre, national art museum of France.
Chinese-born American architect I. M. Pei designed this controversial glass pyramid (completed in 1989) at the entrance to the Louvre, a museum in Paris, France. Noted for his unique arrangements of geometric shapes, Pei also earned a reputation for his creative use of space, surfaces, and materials. One of the foremost architects of the 20th century, Pei has designed important public and corporate buildings throughout the world and has worked with urban renewal.