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来源:网络2019-07-04 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦

  雅思小作文,应该如何系统的准备?虽然雅思写作小作文只占到评分时总分的1/3,但这个部分绝对是你在整个雅思考试中适合考前临时突击的一门了。那雅思小作文,应该如何系统的准备呢?本文中,朗阁海外考试中心的老师会从这样三个部分带大家逐一揭开小作文神秘的面纱:1. 需要准备的材料有哪些?2. 要积累些什么? 3. 从“背”到“用”有多远?(practice makes perfect)

  1. 需要准备的材料有哪些?

  其实,和雅思写作小作文相关的材料有很多,别只取一瓢饮。此处,朗阁海外考试中心的老师推荐这样几个材料,并附上我的建议。第一个可用的当然是剑桥系列真题了,截至目前为止可用的Cambridge 4 – Cambridge 14, 11本书,每本书4个test, 所以总共44道题,已经够考生练习很长时间了。而且真正的官方同源,经典真题回顾而且会配有不同分数的范文(包含good answer和5.5的分数相对低一点的范文)还是很值得考生们研究探讨的。第二个可以使用的材料推荐Simon的task 1系列题。这个材料的优势在于:1. Simon系雅思前考官,所以给出的题还是很带感,“猛料”十足的。2. 所配范文基本是9分范文,所以对于提优的烤鸭们来讲,一定是不可多得的好材料。第三个可以使用的材料推荐朗阁内部教材《最新雅思写作高分范文书》,优势在于紧追新题,跟在考题库还是有很多重合的;同时,也是包含了高分范文供烤鸭们参考。

  2. 要积累些什么?




  简单说来,背的内容可以分为两个层面,词 & 句。



  缓慢climbSlide, dip

  一般Increase, grow, rise, gain, escalate (匀速上升)Decrease, decline, fall, drop, shrink

  快速Soar up, surge up, mount upPlummet, plunge



  Slowly, slightly, moderately, marginally, modestly, gently


  Noticeably, notably, violently

  Markedly, significantly, considerably


  极大值:Reach the top/peak/apex/summit at… in 年份(此处peak为名词)Peak at  (此处peak为动词)

  Get to/arrive at/Increase to the peak

  极小值:Fall into the bottom at

  Hit the bottom at

  Reach the nadir at …


  反弹Recover soon ; With a recovery soon;Rebound

  Climb back/rise back/soar back

  回落Fall back/drop back/roll back

  With a rollback, the number presented …

  持续上升Continue to rise up ;Experience a continuous/consecutive growth


  … Maintain/present an upward trend, with/despite several violent/gentle fluctuations over the period. 剧烈的波动/些微的波动

  Experience a fluctuating increase/decline

  持平Maintain the same at

  Maintain stable at

  Stabilise at; reach the plateau at; level out at/level off at




  ◇V+ adv的形式

  The percentage of British families with cars increased significantly +时间.


  More and more British families …

  An increasing/climbing/soaring number/percentage of British households had/owned their own cars.

  British households in a mounting number/percentage owned their own cars.


  可以搭配There be句型

  There was a sharp rise in the car ownership among British families.


  The percentage of British families with cars experienced a marked growth +时间



  The first/next two decades witnessed a violent growth in the car ownership.

  Britain witnessed a sharp rise in the percentage of its families with cars over the 20 years between 1960 and 1980.

  A sharp growth could be seen in the number of sth.

  A sharp growth was depicted/described in the number of sth.

  当你掌握了以上句型,并且在写作时能够尽量多地加以运用时,小作文6分已经基本有了。但是,不知道你会不会发现这样一个问题,就是其中的the percentage of sth.的出现仍然是非常频繁的。此时,烤鸭们可以采用的方法有:尝试改变主语,或者通过横向合并或者纵向合并来避免the percentage of sth.的使用。这也就是接下来跟大家分享的一系列高分句型。


  所谓高分句型,不仅很好地避免了上文中提到的the percentage of sth的过多使用,而且加入了各种语法结构的使用,也正好符合了评分标准中的grammar accuracy and range。高分句型给大家一些例子,以供参考。

  1.The number of A stood at … initially. With a sudden decline to … in 1980, the number climbed back soon and continued to rise up to (a record high at) … finally, which was slightly/considerably higher than it was in the year of …/which was almost four times as much as it was in 年份

  2.A V-shaped change/growth was depicted/described in the number of A, beginning at …, hitting the bottom at … in 年份 and ending at …

  3.The number of A stood at … initially, which presented a V-shaped growth/change in the next 20 years, with its nadir hitting … in 1985.

  4.An inverse-V-shaped change was depicted in the number of A, beginning at …, peaking at … in 年份 and ending at …

  5.The number of A stood at … in 1960, which presented/showed an inverse-V-shaped growth/change to … in 1980, with its peak reaching a new high at … in 1970.

  6.A sharp growth could be witnessed in the number of A, from . Initially to … finally. Compared with the rise in the first decade, that in the late was more/less significant.

  7.The number of A increased considerably from …in the first 10 years, reaching the plateau at … for the next period.

  8.The number of A increased/declined sharply from …in the first period, (before) stabilizing at … for the next five years.

  The number A experienced a marked decline from … to …, levelling out/off at … for the next few years.

  Stabilizing at .. for the first five years, the number then presented a downward trend in the next decades, declining from … to …

  9.The number of A experienced a marked growth in the decades, despite/with several violent/gentle fluctuations over the period.

  The number of A presented a fluctuating growth/decline throughout the 20 years, from … initially to … finally.

  10.There was a gradual decline in the number of A, from … initially to … in the end. Although the number of B stood at a lower point, it grew gradually and exceeded/surpassed that of A in the year of 年份. After that/from this point onwards, …




  主要部分 the majority/the main part/the major part/The dominant part/The principal part

  次要部分 the minority/the minor part

  其余部分 the remainder/The remaining (part)/The rest (part)

  占据 take up, make up, constitute, comprise, represent, occupy, account for, With the percentage/share/proportion/constitution of …


  大约大概 approximately, about, around

  超过,多于 beyond, more than

  将近,低于 almost, nearly, less than

  高达 as much as

  低至 as little as



  例如靠近1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 3/4的数字可以转换成A quarter/One third/Half/Two-thirds/Three quarters这样的表达来展现多样性。例如72%可以表达成 almost three quarters,49% 可以表达成slightly less than half,而1,234,567,890可以表达成more than 1.2 billion

  在…方面In term of /with respect to /as for /regarding sth /concerning sth


  … which was considerably higher than that of …

  … which was slightly lower than that of …

  … which was three times as much as it was in 年份

  … rank the top/Rank first /Rank in the first place

  …, followed by …

  Next come(s) ….

  Next comes b which was slightly higher than c





  firstly/initially, secondly, finally/eventually

  At first, …

  To begin/start with, …

  The process begins with …(np. /doing)

  In the first stage/step/phase, …

  In the second stage,….

  In the next step,

  In the following stage,

  In the stage followed,

  Following this, …

  Sth be done, followed by n/np

  Before, after, then

  Sth. be done(a) and then done(b)

  After being done, sth be done

  Sth be done. After that, …

  Sth be done, after which…

  From this point onwards, 自此之后


  Since then,


  Sth. be done, waiting to be done/waiting for sth.

  Sth be done, ready to be done/ready for sth.

  The second step takes place in …., where sth be done



  1)运输,配送 be transported/conveyed/delivered/shipped/sent/

  分配 distribute allocate dispatch

  Conveyor belt

  2)分类,分组 be classified/sorted/divided/categorized into …


  按照颜色分成三个小组 be sorted into three categories by colour

  3)加入(如果是solid) be put/added/introduced in

  Be put into sp.

  Newly-introduced material

  4)倒入,倾倒 (如果是liquid) be poured in

  Be poured into sp.

  5)加热 be heated up

  6)冷却 be cooled down

  7)转变为 be transformed/converted into

  8)释放(气体)release;emit out (V)

  Emission release (N)




  in the east/on the east of/to the east of

  At the crossroads/intersection

  in the northeast of

  In the northeastern part of

  at the northeast corner of

  in the middle (of ..)

  At the halfway between a and b

  At the centre

  In the central area

  not far from …

  Be close to a

  By the side of a

  Beside a

  next to a

  along the roadside

  Along the riverside

  at the south end of the road/river

  at the downstream of the river

  At the lower end of the river

  at the upper end of the river


  原先的 the original/previous

  被…所取代 be replaced by

  被改建为  be rebuilt into

  Be reconstructed into

  新建的桥  newly-built road/bridge


  Great changes could be seen in …

  Earth-shaking changes could be witnessed/ eyed in …

  The difference in… was most evident/ apparent/ conspicuous/ striking.

  3. 从“背”到“用”有多远?(practice makes perfect)



  E.G. V20180210 (《最新雅思高分范文书》第四页原题)

  The graphs below show the size of the ozone hole over Antarctica and the production of three ozone-damaging gases from 1980 to 2000.

  Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



  The two line charts illustrate the growth of ozone hole size as well as the amount of three ozone-jeopardizing gases produced over the two decades between 1980 and 2000.

  Initially, the ozone hole size stood at its smallest point (approximately 400 thousand square kilometers), which presented an upward trend in the next decade and peaked at about 2,000 thousand square kilometers in 1990. With a slight drop later, the size climbed back soon and continued to soar up to as much as 3.6 million in the end, which was nine times as much as it was initially.

  From the second graph, we can see that the productivity of CFC-11 maintained high at 70 million tonnes for the first three years, before declining sharply to less than 2 million tonnes finally. Although less CFC-12 was produced initially, its yield grew gradually and surpassed that of CFC-11 in the year of 1989. From this year onwards, CFC-12 maintained to behave as the dominant cause of ozone hole damaged. N2O, however, showed a slightly different picture. It did not appear until 1990, but its soaring production pushed it to become a newly-rising ozone-damaging gas when it entered the new century.


  e.g. V20180728 (该题为2018年7月28日雅思小作文写作原题)

  The bar chart below shows the percentage of boys and girls in Australia who participated in various sports activities in 2ooo.

  Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.


  The bar chart compares the distribution of boys and girls among six sports activities in 2000.

  As for boys, football tended to be their first choice when participating sports activities, in that the participation rate of football stood at as much as 20%. Next came the proportion of boys taking part in cricket-playing which was slightly higher than that in table tennis and basketball games (approximately 11% respectively). This year, few boys would like to join in swimming or netball games, pushing their percentage to lying in a comparatively low level of less than 5%.

  Compared with the distribution of boys, that of girls showed a strikingly different picture. Football that was greatly appreciated by boys gained the least prevalence among girls, while swimming and netball that boys seldom played were most popular activities for girls. The difference by gender was narrowed only in the sports of cricket and table tennis, each with the gap of as little as 1%.




  The diagrams below show the development of Kelsbey village in the year of 1780, 1860 and 2000.

  Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.



  The maps illustrate what changes took place in Kelsbey village over the 220 years between 1780 and 2000.

  In 1780, at the northeast corner lay a residential zone with 100 homes. Not far from it, there were four pieces of farmland and a large expanse of woods. A small river ran from north to south.

  The next eight decades witnessed the doubling of homes in the residence, while the amount of farmland and woods reduced to half. And in 1860, a newly-constructed road linking the residence to the river could be seen, a new bridge over the river as well.

  140 years later, the number of homes presented a continuous growth to 500. However, the previous farmland and woods totally disappeared and were replaced by a newly-built road, at the south end of which two school campuses and three sports fields were equipped for people in locality to receive education and participate in sports activities. Moving westwards, you can see a row of shops launched recently along the riverside. And at the downstream, a stretch of wetland was planned for birds and it is the sole/lone area for vegetation.

  相信各位烤鸭们把以上三点整明白(1. 需要准备的材料有哪些?2. 要积累些什么? 3. 从“背”到“用”有多远?(practice makes perfect)),考场上小作文定能战无不胜,攻无不克。












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