朗阁首页 > 雅思培训 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语第二部分素材


来源:网络2018-12-24 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦


    Part2 话题:
  Describe a film you like
  You should say:
  When and where you watched it?
  What type of film it is?
  What's it about?
  How you felt about it and explain why?
  Q:Do you think films have any educational benefits?
  it depends on what types of film you watch.Science fiction films and documentaries surely do.They'd open one's mind to new things and experiences,widen one’s horizon and enrich knowledge.
  Watching films also helps us learn another language and culture.We pick up new vocabularies from those conversations.Those film scenes show us different cultures and life styles.
  Science fiction film:科幻电影
  open one's mind to new things and experiences:让你领略新的事物
  widen one’s horizon:打开你的视野
  enrich knowledge:丰富你的知识
  pick up new vocabularies from those conversations:从电影人物的对话中学习新的单词
  film scenes show us different cultures and life styles:电影场景给我们展示不一样的文化和生活方式
  Q:In what ways are documentary films and films for entertainment different ?
  A documentary film is produced to document some aspect of reality,for the purposes of instruction,education,or maintaining a historical record.
  The purpose of those entertainment films is bring fun and excitements to people,help us get rid of work pressure.
  document some aspect of reality,for the purposes of instruction,education,or maintaining a historical record:记录现实中发生的事情,用作以下几个目的:指导,教育,或者作为对历史的一种记录。
  The purpose of: ...的目的
  get rid of work pressure:摆脱工作压力
  sport and leisure体育与休闲
  Arguments against Professional/competitive sport
  Sport has become a business
  Professional sport encourages people to compete for money
  Many sports stars are only concerned about money and fame
  Some athletes take drugs in order to win at any cost
  Competitors are often selfish and rude
  They are not good role models for children
  All sports should be amateur
  Sports should be leisure activities rather than jobs
  People should do sporting activities for enjoyment and health reasons Taking part is more important than winning
  Arguments for Professional sport
  Professional sports are the same as any other business
  Many people are employed in the sports industry
  People should be able to use their talents to earn a salary
  Sports stars entertain millions of people
  Money is necessary to improve facilities and train athletes
  The level of professional sport is much higher than that of amateur sport
  Arguments for Competitive sport
  Competition is a natural instinct in humans
  In daily life we compete to get jobs or the highest grades
  Sports are a safe form of competition
  Competition is healthy because it pushes us to give our best
  Competitors and fans can release energy and aggression
  Supporters of teams feel a sense of belonging to a community
  Opinion: professional sport salaries are too high
  Sports professionals earn too much money
  They do not provide a vital service
  Football players, for example, earn enormous salaries by simply kicking a ball
  We could all live happily without professional football
  Life would be difficult without doctors, engineers and other vital professionals.
  Society does not seem to value these professions as highly as professional sport
  Sports salaries should be compatible with the wages most people earn
  Opinion: professional sport salaries are fair
  It is fair that the best professional earn a lot of money
  Sport is a multi-million-pound industry
  There is a large audience of sports fans
  Sports on television attract many viewers
  Sports stars have dedicated hours of practice to developing their fitness and skills
  Only the most talented among them will reach the top
  A sports career many only last 10 years
  Sports fans are willing to pay to support their teams
  Sports and Politics
  Some people think that sport and politics should remain separate Governments are involved in the hosting of sporting events such as the Olympics.
  These events attract investment and create jobs.
  The Olympic Games are an advertisement for the host nation
  They attract huge numbers of visitors and sports fans
  Wealthy countries tend to hold these events
  Developing countries should be given the chance to become hosts
  1.Some people believe that the salaries paid to professional sportspeople are too high, while others argue that sports salaries are fair.
  Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  2.Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing are very dangerous and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?












  • 秋季培训雅思口语该如何练习?

    1、雅思 如何训练英语口语雅思口语练习方法:1。口腔训练是提高雅思口语水平的第一步。2、雅思口语训练技巧1.大胆的口腔训练。因此,专业的雅思口语技能指导和总结是非常重要的。一些候选人通过背诵一些段落或说英语来训练自己,但这并不是很有效。

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