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来源:网络2018-12-18 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦


  题目:Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members
  You should say:
  What the thing was
  When you borrowed it
  Whom you borrowed it from
  And explain why you borrowed the thing
  很多第二部分的话题,其实一两句就都可以说完,但是雅思考试的第二部分需要大家去说到2分钟,就需要很多的细节扩展。 先来看下答案里的四段:
  Last year, like in December, I went to Beijing for a training and all the trainees were told to bring laptops since after the training everyone had to go through an assessment. It was only a 2-day training so I was wondering maybe I shouldn’t bring too many things with me, so I borrowed a really big backpack from my mom, as i need to bring a laptop with me. I do have a school bag but it is quite small, so the laptop couldn’t fit in. So I needed a larger one to carry heavy loads.
  It is a black backpack fitted with one large pocket for the laptop and several pockets for small-sized items, it has big capacity for all the items that i need for the trip. My mom did commercial air travel a lot, so she has not only lent me the bag, but also a down jacket, since the winter in my hometown is quite warm, i haven’t worn a down jacket for years. But the winter in Beijing, it is cold and feature strong winds. So i also have borrowed a down jacket to keep me warm.
  I thought I had made a good decision to have the backpack as carry-on bag for airplane travel. Because on one hand, i had more of my possessions at hand during the flight, and i have skipped the very time-consuming baggage claim process, and have avoided the risk of having the checked baggage lost or damaged. So i have spent less time on checking in the luggage and waiting in the line.
  After the 2-day training, we flew back home, we arrived at Kunming international airport at 1 am, some of my friends had to wait for the luggage claim for another 30 mins, however i had already hopped on a taxi and left. So i thought a backpack, or any form of hand luggage really saved people time and energy for air travel. So it was a time I have borrowed a bag from my mom and it was really useful.
  流利度:再按照雅思评分标准来看一下这个答案, 可以看到一些连词、语气标记词的使用, 比如:since, because,on one hand, so,like, actually, 且内容是比较详细的, 流利度的分应该是拿到了。
  发音:在语音方面,只要同学们可以把每一个单词发正确, 其实语音就已经有6分了,要注意的是这些词的发音:比如luggage,possession, skipped。
  词汇:而词汇, 这个答案里是有一些比较好的词汇搭配的, 比如:heavy loads , strong winds, baggage claim processes, 还有一些比较贴近外国人用语习惯的,比如quite small, hop on. 当你的词汇能够辅助你把你要说的意思准确地表达出来,就是好的词汇。
  还有多观察一些使用到过去时态的语段,都是可以帮助提升语法的,语法上比较容易出错的还有介词,比如在一点钟,是at, 上车下车用的是get on and off,介词是很多同学不太注意很容易丢分的部分,要多注意。
  题目:Describe a favourite item of clothing.
  You should say:
  what it is
  when you bought it
  why you bought it
  and say why you like it so much.
  I’m not really that into clothes. I do try and look fairly smart but I’m not that bothered by my personal appearance and the clothes I’m wearing. But I will tell about my favourite article of clothing – my leather jacket. That is by some distance my favourite piece of clothing.
  It’s a fairly normal or regular leather jacket. The one unusual feature I suppose is that it has white stripes down the sleeves. It’s also quite well-worn by now because I’ve had it some time and I tend to wear throughout the winter months. In fact it’s got quite a few little tears where it’s caught on sharp objects. I still love it though and I don’t mind at all that it looks rather second-hand.
  I bought it at least 5 years ago now. It came from one of those big department stores and not a specialist leather shop. My old coat was very shabby and I was told by my girlfriend that I definitely needed to buy another one – I think she was embarrassed to be seen with me.
  So I went out by myself. I think it must have been sometime in January when the New Year sales were on. My girlfriend wanted to come with me and help me choose something smart but I said I would do it by myself. We shop in very different ways. She always wants to try everything on and can spend hours buying nothing. My approach is quite different. If I see something that I like and it fits I buy it. She might be two hours in a shop while I normally only take 15 minutes.
  Anyway I saw this jacket and I thought that it looked really cool. I had always secretly wanted a leather jacket and because the sales were on and it was reduced by 50% I just bought it. My girlfriend was really shocked when she saw what I had bought.
  I like it because it’s different – it’ s just not like any other clothes I have in my wardrobe.
  第三部分 Part 3
  Do all people enjoy shopping for clothes?
  I can’t say for sure since it largely depends on personal demand and interest. Women seem to be more obsessed with fashion and shopping than the rest of the population but, of course, there are exceptions. Those who love spending time and money on beautiful pieces of clothing pay great attention for their appearance and take pleasurein(喜欢……) the act itself, while others consider it a waste of resources. However, people have different reasons to buy clothes which are not necessarily related to whether they enjoy it or not. For example, most men tend to avoid clothes shopping unless they need a new suit for some formal event or simply because they’re run out of clothes.
  Why women like to do shopping?
  Women are usually considered creatures of beauty, which may explain why they love shopping and enjoy lavish costumes to a considerable degree(很大程度上). First and foremost, outfits are visual indicators(标志) of personal image and personalities, hence, they want to dress accordingly. Secondly, shopping is not only for the sake of(为了……) fashion but also an effective means of relaxation(放松的方式). In modern society where lots of people are under constant stress(在不断的压力下) every day, indulging oneself in(沉溺在……) some serious shopping may help to take the weight off their mind(减轻思想负担), despite temporarily. Last but not least, women don’t usually shop for themselves alone but most of their spending is on family and friends. They relish the idea of giving gifts or buying nice clothes for their beloved ones, therefore, shopping sits high on their to-do lists.
  Why some women buy cheaper clothes and expensive ones at the same time?
  Admittedly, the more high-priced(高价的) a piece of clothing is, the more exquisite(精致的) it looks. However, it doesn’t mean low-cost(低价的) costumes are less appealing(吸引人的) or fashionable. Therefore, many women have both high-end(高档的) items as well as more budget-friendly(划算的) ones in their closet for different purposes. Luxury brands such as Gucci, Channel or Louis Vuitton are more familiar with the upper class(上流社会) and frequently make their appearance(到场) in upscale(高档的) places or events. Yet, more affordable(价格合理的) apparel brands like ZARA or H&M are not falling behind in(落后于……) terms of fashion trends or stylish designs. Thus, many prefer them and their products are suitable for various occasion from daily wear to special ones.












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